----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish Tank ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: David Disney Software Used: Imagine (Impulse) Contents -------- FishTank.IOB 29338 ----rwed Today 19:07:41 FishTank.HAM 77048 ----rwed Today 20:31:09 FishTank.readme 2300 ----rwed 21-Aug-92 17:11:24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I guess I should type a little description of the above files.... ...so here goes FishTank.IOB - A simple fish tank with glass panes, filters, gravel (sorta), and water (sorta). FishTank.HAM - A scanlined pic of the tank. (A trace would look alot better, what with the glass and all, but this gives you a general idea of what the object looks like.) FishTank.readme - A wholly remarkable file. It has been compiled and recompiled many times over many years and under many different editorships ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, here's where I explain the 'sortas' in the above descriptions. The gravel isn't anything but a plane with the sandstone attribute on it. I thought it looked alright from a distance (which was what I was using it for), but if you really want to get serious about gravel you might try using a pebble-type brushmap with some altitude maps to get the right effect. As for the water, its actually a cube with the fog length set pretty high...it looks alot better than trying to use the water attribute and the wave texture. If you want trade ideas, objects, brushes, pics, or send me a million dollars (just kidding on that last one), then send me a drop me a letter or call me at: David Disney P.O. Box 67 Greenback, TN 37742 (615) 856-6827